Saturday, May 15, 2010

Harajuku revisited

Okay! Since it's Saturday and the usual cosplay fashion in Harajuku is of honor, we decided to go there hoping there would be cosplays as opposed to last Sunday...
UNFORTUNATELY, again today there wasn't anything going on on the Harajuku Bridge :(
But! the day was just starting so we decided to go in the public park and played frisbee for a while.
It was really sunny and hot outside so we got tired after some time in the park where shades are rare. So we went in the main streets of Harajuku in order to find a refreshment but nothing was enough to suit our taste. We went back to Jimbocho and found something there instead, then we headed back to the hotel.

I didn't forget my camera today but since nothing was happening on the bridge I didn't get to take pictures. Then again, since the park is much like a common park I didn't have to take pictures while playing frisbee and I've already taken plenty of pictures in Harajuku last week.
Sorry but no pictures today.

Hot baths:
We checked for a place with a typical Japanese hot bath but the thing is, since all these places are far away, it's insanely pricey to get there.
Since it's so far and since we need endless transfers to get there, only a one-way trip is 5000 yen, plus the way back, another 5000 yen; and the place isn't free either. Most of these places charge for the hour and the prices usually go around 5000 yen an hour. So for 1 hour of hot bath, the price rises to about 15000 yen, which is equivalent to 150$, 2 hour, 20000 yen and so on.
Therefore, let's just skip the hot baths. Besides, it's already pretty hot outside so, too bad so sad.

PS: something happened while playing frisbee (for those interrested, ask me personally)
Note: フリスビーを再 生しながらの方法では、何かが、詳細については、MSN上の私に尋ねるが起こったと私は個人的に教えてあげる

1 comment:

  1. I wanna know what happened to you while you were playing freezbee :D:D:D:D:D:D

