Monday, May 17, 2010


Today was hot !

Without a cloud in sight, bright blue skies and the heavy sun, the entire walk outside was heated.
Since we stayed in Jimbocho, we didn't take the subway, instead we walked in the city. We first headed to the Imperial Palace not too far off.

Unfortunately for us, the inner rim of the Imperial Palace is closed only on Mondays (the day we decide to go -_-') so we'll probably go back to visit the inner rim another day...

We took the rest of the remaining time to visit the neighborhood instead:

Okay you probably didn't get anything from what I said since the wind was strong but it matters not. I was just saying how hot it was since we had been walking for hours and it had been a while since we last saw shades.

But I did get to see something interesting before coming back:

Another day over, another adventure complete.
Tomorrow awaits, see you soon.


  1. Ça semble être ta marque de commerce dans tes videos loll, Dave qui film et qui parle un peu, et Mack qui est fucking loin en avant !!

    C'est quand qu'on va te voir dans tes pics :( j'commence a être triste..tu sais qu'il y a le petit device qui permet de prendre des photos après 10 secondes, ce qui te permetterais d'petre dans les pics ;)

    Anyways, hope u enjoy!
    I'm looking forward to the next uploads :)


  2. Im looking forward for some asian chixes pictures. Pi haha un poisson vache


  3. lol avec ton poisson vache hahaha !! Sont awesome les Koi fishes ^-^

    pi oui Dom et Karl ont raison! On veut des photos de toi et des photos d'azn! We want to be in the adventure with you! Seeing you is going to help :)

