Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pokemon Center and more

Since the Pokemon center is far from everything we decided to keep it for later. And since today is later we headed there first thing after waking up. It's located in Daimon (dai = great, mon = gate), which is on the side of Tokyo. We didn't spend too long in the center since it's filled with pokemon stuff:
-stuffed pokemons
-action figures
-arcade machines
ALL related directly to pokemons

We aren't allowed pictures inside the store... BUT I did manage one :) heh heh

Later on since we didn't spend the whole day there, we decided to travel all the way back to Asakusa. This was the third time going there so we took advantage of the situation to shop for some souvenirs.

We also tried several ... not restaurents ... more like ... food stands, selling sweet stuff like some moshi (which were tasty) and other cool stuff.

Btw, I didn't buy any cats like those in the video so no!! no one is gonna have a cat when I get back. I still have some souvenirs left to buy but I'm gonna have plenty to look for when we go back to Akihabara. Tomorrow if I'm not mistaking.

Oh well. I'm starting to get hungry, guess I'll just go have something to eat. It's raining like insane so I think I'll just stay in the hotel for tonight.

See you all soon.


  1. Gotta catch em' all!

    When are you going to update your blog??


  2. Hey it's me Dave:
    For some fucked up gay reason, I can't access my blog account even thought I'm using the exact same name and password I've been using for 3 weeks now.... wtf...

    So here's ne latest stuff:

    Ok so the last couple days went by smoothly.
    We mostly went back to various places to shop, like Akihabara. We also spent evenings just talking to some people residing at the hotel. Good times.
    Then we tried Harajuku for the last time since it was Saturday and we kept hoping the cosplay event would be happening. But no. . .
    So we went to the park a last time to play frisbee. The force was once again strong with me ;) (for details: simply ask) And we got invited to play soccer with some locals since they were 2 players short. I made a goal (which made my day). My team won too :) (You know, 'cuz I was there, heh heh).
    Then when we came back to the hotel we decided to relax a bit. I went downstairs and got invited to play a drinking game with a couple of guys. Peter from Hamsterdam, Tim from Germany, Shaun and Dug from Boston and the Irish dude I didn't get the name. The game is a classic, you have a name which you have to guess with yes/no questions, when you get a yes, everybody drinks, when you have a no, you drink. Since I'm not a beer person I bought a cheap bottle of wine for 400 yen (the Irish dude was not a beer person either, so he had vodka instead hahaha typical (and I'm not making that up)). I couldn't finish my bottle 'cuz I owned the game (I'm currently drinking the other half as I am writing this), turns out I was the Dalai Lama. But it was funnier when Peter was trying to guess he was Pikachu. 'Cuz he had no clue who pikachu was hahaha.
    Then the following day, we went to Roppongi, which is not really amazing, it's all buildings and offices. But there was an event going on: there was a exposition for new 3D technology, so we attended it. It didn't last long and since it was all 3D my camera was kinda useless... But on the way back to the subway station I ramdomly found the bigest spider structure I had ever seen.
    And today Mak was not feeling well so he stayed at the Hotel while I went to Shibuya, meet up with Shuhei (Shu for short) and we went to a ramen shop have dinner, then we walked all the way to Harajuku to have a coffee and finally we came back to Shibuya, went in a karaoke, had lots of fun and we went back our seperate ways.

  3. Pourquoi tu n'envoies plus de photos ou vidéos de ce que tu fais, c'était très intéressant.
    Ou du moins prends des photos des gens que tu cotoies ou du monde là-bas, des japonais, afin de ramener des souvenirs.

  4. yeaaahhhh mon dave!!!!!

    content que tu puisses nous donner des nouvelles!!

    on se revoit tres tres bientot!!!

    may the force be with you!

