Sunday, May 9, 2010

Harajuku Park

Another day over. Compared to the 2 previous days, this one wasn't too great...

While Mak was still sleeping, I decided to walk a bit in Jimbocho just to get familiar with my surroundings (although I went a little bit far heh).

It's Sunday, therefore it's the weekend. In the weekend, in Harajuku, there is a huge gathering with cosplayed people, especially cute girls. But when we got there, there wasn't much going on.
Still, the cosplay event of Harajuku Bridge is not the only attraction in Harajuku.

We visited the Harajuku Park (Yoyogi), which took quite a while since it's kinda huge.

I didn't know there would be a traditional Japanese wedding going on !!

After quite a while, we got to the main shrine, which is the reference for the center of the park:

After visiting the main shrine, we crossed the other side of the park:

Near the Yoyogi Park, there is another park more accessible to the public where a lot of people go have pic-nics, walking around, watching the fountains (which are small compared to the ones we have Canada), jogging and enjoying life pretty much.

Then we went around the main street of the city (Harajuku Street... duh) and went through the different stores but the sales were mostly clothes and shoes. There are also a lot of restaurants but their moslty fast food chains.

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Harajuku's final fantasy-like feature:
-water streams in-between the sidewalks and the stores going on for miles:

Then we got a bit far off and ended up in the suburbs of the city but made it back to the Harajuku Station just fine.

We came back home to relax the rest of the day since we did a LOT of walking.

A new adventure awaits tomorrow!


  1. Nice Dave!! Je sens que ça s'en vient la!! Surtout la dernière pic, j'serais aller la prendre avec elles (eux) je doute que ce soit deux filles loll mais bon!! haha keep on going!!

    Lâche pas :D:D:D

  2. alright mon dave!!!

    on te vois de plus en plus!!! c awesome les photos et les video!

    fais toi des amies!


  3. Beaux paysages, mais il manque de photo de toi avec des asians. Un bonus sa se gagne, sa tombe pas du ciel :D.

    Ps. Fait plus de videos!! Les photos c'est bien, mais jamais comme un video!

    Pps. Je pense que le cosplay de droite était un gars.


  4. On a vu Dave enfin! Tu peux demander a mack de prendre des pics de toi devant les paysages aussi!


  5. ok je tiens a preciser que la pic avec les 2 filles c bel et bien 2 FILLES, pas de gars la-dedans, dont worry I double-checked.

    PS: y en a des gars cosplayé en fille, let me tell you, not pleseant... so croie-moi quand j'di que ya pas de gars dans ma pic

  6. Woah nice !! Jviens tout juste de m updater sur ton aventure ! It looks sooo fun and sooo great !! Im looking forward to see you in pictures with some japanese girls =P

    I hope u enjoy all this (or more) as i enjoyed reading and seeing all ur stuffs :)

    Clau xxx
