Saturday, May 8, 2010

Another day in Tokyo

Woke up at 9 this morning. Sunny sky and not as humid as yesterday with a refreshing wind. A perfect weather !
Since a couple of Mak's friends from his program arrived yesterday night, we went to meet them in Asakusa this morning.

And since they aren't staying in Tokyo for long, they joined for today's new adventure. We went to the sides of Akihabara (Akiba for short). We first visited the mall (gigantic) and bought a few things for souvenirs or else.

Then we left the mall and went to an electronic store: DVDs (mostly blue ray) and video games.

After that, a split-floor-library:
A split-floor library is a building only selling books but each floor sells a different type of "literature".

Then we walked around a bit and visited a few stores (I couldn't take pictures/videos in those because most of the time there are 3x sections and so they forbid archiving.

Then we went through a few other custom stores selling music and anime movies until we started being hungry. So we went to a restaurant. Gawd the food there is SOOOO tasty !!

Funny fact: in Japan, there is no tip, they don't know what it is so if you try to give them some they get puzzled. Also, (not only in restaurants) we do not hand in cash directly from hand to hand... there is a small plate meant to leave the cash, when you push the plate back at the cashier, they take it back and that's how you pay them...
After lunch, we went back to the subway because the others had to leave early in order to catch the train. In the afternoon we went back to our hotel in Jimbocho and relaxed a little.

As we were relaxing on the porch, some guys with a drum came out and gave a little show... just like that !

After relaxing, we walked a bit in Jimbocho, got to a small restaurant and had dinner.

That's about it for today folks.

See you all soon


  1. Bonnnn!! On commence un peu plus a te voir..juste un peu. Mais t'as toujours aucune photo de toi avec des japaneses ou des monuments you know :) Alors next time, met toi non seulement dans les videos, mais aussi dans les pics, vous êtes deux alors un film pour l'autre et prend aussi des photos et vice versa, sinon ben....SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!

    Continue de nous tenir update :D


  2. haha sériex sa dlair trop fou, comment vous faites poour vous retrouver? jai lu ke les rue avait mm pas de nom, ke cé genre les blocs qui en ont. tk awesome pics n vids


  3. ca ma tellement fais rire le video ou on voit tout plein de manga pis tu te tourne et on vois juste le monde debout en train de lire loll


  4. OUI COMME NORM! J'ai trop ris haha c'est vraimen comique de toute les voir comme ca! Sinon lache pas tu va bientot réussir a te mettre dans un video LOL

