Friday, May 7, 2010


Alright, another day over, but as opposed to yesterday, today was GREAT !!

I woke up early as you already know and had an all-you-can-eat breakfast for only 315 yen !!! Unbelievable isn't it ? Okay there wasn't too much choice but still...
After a relaxing morning, we took off to Asakusa !! We got lost at some point while transferring from one subway station to the other but it gave us a bit of time to visit the neighborhood.

but we found the right way eventually and made it to Asakusa just fine:

And we found a shop/restaurant specializing in ice-cream in the market-place selling various flavors which looked interesting so we bought one each:

Then we went around some more since the place is kinda huge:

And I found an interesting treat (looking familiar?)

After a bit of walking and visiting the different shops of the city, we went to a convenience store buy a meal and later go back to our place.

PS: I got your messages from the previous post; don't worry I'll show my face some more from now on :)


  1. OMG!! DAVE!!! J'vais essayer d'être subtile..mais ton 3e video...omg!! and you didn't do shitt!!! aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh ! They peace'd you and smiled at you!!!

    Sinon!! Sweet et oubliez pas de vous mettre DANS les pics et videos, pas derrière :)


  2. Dac avec Dom! Met toi plus dans le video, demande a Mack de te filmer et vice versa!
    Vraiment nice trip Dave jsuis Jalouse de toi en ce moment! Et on voit que dans un vidéo tu n'hésite pas a filmer les ptites japonaises en uniforme hahaha
    xxx Steph!

  3. C'est moi ou ya une fille qui te sourie et te salut moment donné pis tas rien faite?

    Sérieux dave tu fail à fond. C'est genre faite pour ça les voyages de même, ne pas être gener parce que on sen fou si tu fail, tu quitte le continent après.


  4. Ahah, j'aime bien les autres comments! La visite a l'air nice, le monde sympatique ;), oh et les filles ont l'air charmantes aussi!

    Mais ce qui me trainait vrm le plus dans la tête, surtout pcq j'ai oublié le nom, comment on appel les 3 boules sur le stick??

    Sinon, continuer dans profiter au max!!


  5. les 3 boules comme tu di c des dango, c ca que Anko mange dans Naruto (forest of death arc)
