Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Otaku Paradise

As a previously posted, I had visited the sides of Akihabara, but today, sunny sky called for a visit to the core of this lively city. The thing about Akihabara is that it's not too far from Jimbocho so traveling there doesn't take much time.
Akihabara is a lot like Shibuya except for a few details:
-first, the people there a much friendlier
-second, the prices are much cheaper
-third, the products are a bit different
In Akihabara, there are a lot of arcades (just like Shibuya) but most of the stores are meant for otakus (anime-fans). Again, a lot of stores are expended in whole buildings so to see everything you have to climb a lot of stairs. The other thing about this city is that pornography is very much common. 3X comics are found easily in all stores. I thought these places would be sausage-fests but apparently, a lot of girls check it out...

The sad part is that cameras aren't allowed inside and there are a lot of surveillance cameras to make sure this rule applies :(

But in the streets cameras are okay.

In short, we spent the whole day looking up stores for any stuff and trying various arcades, taking a look at new games which aren't yet overseas.

There is also this place called Crazy Crèpes where you have a huge variety of pancakes filled with ice-cream, sugar, fruits and fudge.

And here's mine: Banana and chocolate Double Ice :) yummy!

It tastes great and it's not really expensive either.
Let's hope a chain opens in Canada. You guys gotta try this...

Tomorrow awaits.
See you soon.


  1. Awwww sweeeet!! Mais voir que t'avais pas le droit aux caméras :( j'voulais voir en dedans!

    Anyways, good stuff :)


  2. a quoi ta pri ta crepe dave sa lair bon


  3. Yen a deja des truc de crepe ici hahaa
